Dead space syfy 1991
Dead space syfy 1991

dead space syfy 1991 dead space syfy 1991

Off the top of my head, though, I might say: a return to pre-New Wave techno-utopianism, space opera, and kiss-kiss bang-bang action tempered and improved upon by philosophical irony and meta-textuality. What characterizes Diamond Age science fiction? I’ll let you know, once I’ve had a chance to do more reading and re-reading. This moniker is also a reference to David Bowie’s Diamond Dogs, which presciently foreshadowed the norms and forms of this material. It is a work in progress! The titles currently on this list will change, because I’m still reading.Īs far as I know, science fiction’s 1984–2003 era doesn’t have a moniker already, so I’ve borrowed one from the title of one of my favorite sci-fi books of the period. This page lists my favorite 75 science-fiction novels published during the cultural eras known as the Eighties (1984–1993, according to HILOBROW’s periodization schema) and Nineties (1994–2003). “The great unknown influence on all of us, which is funny because we didn’t know about it until we started talking about it, was Diamond Dogs.” - Jack Womack, 2011 interview

Dead space syfy 1991