Spotify online play
Spotify online play

With this music app, sharing tunes through social networking sites is very easy as well, just a simple click of a button is all it requires. Users can also bookmark an album for later playing while playlist queueing is likewise offered for a more convenient music listening. Some Spotify reviews point that the program’s ability to create, follow or subscribe to others customized playlists is one of its biggest advantages. Featured songs and popular singles with their respective album covers are equally presented in an organized manner so one can easily browse contents depending on their needs. On the main interface itself, one will find a vast array of useful clickable links from music library entry to new playlists creation. Spotify comes with a rather playful interface with a hint of modernistic appeal. From online MP3 streaming to selling digitally protected contents, discover them all on this article. The Spotify music service is indeed packed with many features. Dubbed as one of the best music streaming service, to date there are more than 75 million active users worldwide using Spotify. It provides various multimedia contents from popular singles, albums, podcasts and video services from well-known recording companies such as BBC, Sony, EMI, Warner as well as Universal.

spotify online play

Spotify is a Swedish-based music streaming service launched in October 2008 by the then startup company Spotify AB.

Spotify online play